Benetton is a company known for its controversial campaigns. They cover subjects like racial inequality, HIV, homosexuality and violence. They try to reach people with their shocking campaigns. Their goal is to improve the world and they try to reach people with their shocking campaigns. Their mission statement implies that people in the whole wide world should be treated equally, no matter their skin colour, gender, nationality, religion or nature. This also includes that we should take care of the world itself and the beautiful creatures it houses.
With their campaigns Benetton really tries to make people aware of the problems and inequality in the world. Benetton uses a kind of strategy before publishing their advertisements. With use of contemporary problems, they come up with topics for their campaigns. Because they use such up to date topics, people know what Benetton is talking about. Pathos can also be found in almost all advertisements. Benetton very often appeals to the publics emotions which creates a better understanding of the problem and the problem is strengthened even more by the use of the controversial tone. Benetton stands for a perfect world.
To conclude, the goal of this paper was to determine the mission statement of United colours of Benetton. With help of their campaigns over the past few years, their mistakes, a clear timetable and an organised structure this paper is complete and we are able to answer our main question.
However, the company is not as reliable and faithful as they want the public to think. Benetton is guilty of participating in the problems they are trying to fight against. They are accused of child labour and clothing productions in low wage factories. The fact that Benetton manufactures its products in bad circumstances is one thing, them not admitting their mistakes is unacceptable from a company with this high standards.
Benetton’s mission statement represents a perfect and peaceful world and in a way they live up these standards themselves. Their campaigns do really contribute to a better world, however their actions in Bangladesh and the child labour incident put things in perspective. We think this has a bigger impact than their campaigns, because if they can’t even keep their promises, why would the public keep them? United colours of Benetton made themselves an example for the rest of the world. Unfortunately they became a bad example, which doesn’t result in improvement.
To conclude, United colours of Benetton is a clothing company that has good initiatives, however they take it a step too far since they themselves can’t even reach their own standards. They are not able to fully live up to their mission statement.